Do You Have an Unexpected Need for More Vehicles? Idealease Rental Has You Covered!

Unexpected need for more vehicles?
Idealease can help you handle a short-term peak in your business, or rent replacement vehicles when your trucks are in the shop. We provide truck rental programs to fit your needs for a day, month or longer. Our wide variety of industry-leading trucks and tractors are well maintained, reliable, and clean. We have you covered with more than 430 truck rental locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and more than 10,000 vehicles in the Idealease rental fleet.
Truck Rental Benefits for Customers
- Available at a Moment’s notice
- Coordinated Rental Service at more than 430 Idealease locations
- Discounted rates for full service lease customers
- Full menu of Class 4, 5,6,7, and 8 trucks
- 24-hour Roadside Assistance
Additional Services that are Available to Idealease Customers
- Dedicated Maintenance
- Mobile Service (at most locations)
- Periodic state and federal inspections
- Idealnet 24/7 Roadside Assistance
- Idealease Fleet Services
- Idealease Fuel Card with U.S. and Canada fuel tax reporting
- Vehicle licensing, permitting, legalization
- Motor Vehicle Report Service
- Telematics Services
- Idealsafe Safety & Compliance training and consultation
- Driver training to reduce driver turnover
- Replacement rental vehicles
- Discounted rental vehicles