Idealease, Inc. Elects Chairman, Vice Chairman and Board of Directors for 2020

The shareholders of Idealease, Inc., North America’s premier full-service commercial truck leasing, rental and maintenance company, elected their 2020 Board of Directors at the company's 37th Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL. Jorge Martinez Madero, President, Idealease Monterrey (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico) will serve as Chairman in 2020 and 2021. Scott McCandless, President, McCandless Idealease (Aurora, CO) , was elected to serve as Vice Chairman of the Board of Idealease for 2020 and 2021, and then as Chairman in 2022 and 2023.
Daniel J. Murphy was re-elected as President and Chief Executive Officer of Idealease, Inc. Keric Kennedy was re-elected as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Traci Royal was re-elected as Chief Financial Officer and Lance Bertram was newly elected as Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer. All four are corporate officers of Idealease, Inc.
Idealease shareholders also elected five regional Directors to serve two-year terms on the Idealease Board of Directors: for the Southeast, Terry Minor, President, Cumberland Idealease (Nashville, TN); for the West, Scott McCandless, President, McCandless Idealease (Aurora, CO); for the Midwest, William K. Reilley, Sr., President, Badgerland Idealease (Milwaukee, WI); for the Northeast, Fred Scheler, President, Five Star Idealease (Harrisburg, PA); and for Canada, Mike Winslow, President, Peterborough Idealease (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada).
Serving the second year of their two-year terms on the Idealease Board of Directors are: for the Midwest, Tom Vandehey, President, Idealease of Central Wisconsin (Marshfield, WI); for the Northeast, Alan Steinberg, President, Salem Idealease (Brooklyn, NY); for the Southeast, Richard Ryan, President, Carolina Idealease (Columbia, SC); and for the West, Owen Donahue, President of Donahue Idealease (Ventura, CA); and for Canada, Jeff Kirby, President, Altruck Idealease (Kitchener, Ontario, Canada).
In closing the annual Idealease stockholders’ meeting, Daniel Murphy, Idealease President and Chief Executive Officer said, “Engaged and inspired leadership has allowed us to weather challenges and prepare for a future that will redefine what success looks like for years to come. I’d like to thank each of these individuals for their service and continued dedication on behalf of all Idealease affiliates and shareholders.”